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ColoWrap Blog / scope reprocessing

by Larissa Biggers, on September 06, 2019

“What's one thing you wish you had in your [GI] lab, or one thing you couldn't live without that you currently have?” This attention-grabbing question was posted recently on an …

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Topics:nurseendoscopynursingsafe patient handlingGI nursingendoscopy nursingSGNASPHMendoscopy techscope reprocessing

by Larissa Biggers, on August 16, 2019

The 2018 list of top 10 health technology hazards ranks the "failure to consistently and effectively reprocess flexible endoscopes" as #2. It may seem surprising, but when scopes are not …

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Topics:nurseendocopyendoscopynursingpatient safetyGI nursingendoscopy nursingnurse injuryendoscopeOSHAendoscopy techscope reprocessing


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