Case Study: How Northfield Hospital Achieved a 100% Reduction in Staff Musculoskeletal Pain
by ColoWrap, on April 23, 2024
Northfield Hospital, a venerable healthcare institution with over a century of service, stands as a beacon of integrated healthcare. Nestled within its serene, state-of-the-art premises lies a 37-bed facility offering a comprehensive array of primary and specialty care services, all delivered with a focus on personalized attention.
The institution embarked on a mission guided by three key objectives: to safeguard endoscopy staff from injuries stemming from manual pressure and repositioning, to curtail prolonged procedures and overtime, and to enhance overall staff satisfaction within the Endoscopy department.
This initiative arose from a recognition of the challenges facing healthcare professionals, particularly nurses, who endure a disproportionate risk of job-related injuries compared to other vocations in the United States.
Within the realm of endoscopy, the risks are amplified due to the intricate techniques involved, particularly the necessity for manual abdominal pressure and patient repositioning to facilitate scope advancement during colonoscopies.
Statistics reveal the extent of these challenges, with manual pressure being a requisite in up to 70% of colonoscopies, often necessitating exertion exceeding 100 pounds to address looping effects.
At Northfield, the reliance on such practices was evident, with staff engaging in manual pressure and repositioning in 60% and 43% of procedures, respectively. Alarmingly, 60% of the staff reported experiencing physical discomfort within the preceding 12 months, directly attributable to the ergonomic strains associated with colonoscopy procedures, with 20% reporting daily pain or discomfort.
In response to these pressing concerns, Northfield sought assistance from ColoWrap, recognizing the urgent need to address declining staff morale and satisfaction.
Collaborating closely with physicians, Amber Lusk and the ColoWrap team embarked on a journey to pinpoint the root causes of discontent. What emerged was a silent epidemic of staff suffering, their physical well-being compromised by the demanding nature of manual pressure application and patient repositioning during colonoscopies. Moreover, these practices often coincided with prolonged procedures, scheduling challenges, and increased overtime demands.
Enter ColoWrap®, a groundbreaking clinical solution designed to alleviate the necessity for manual abdominal pressure and patient repositioning during colonoscopies.
By doing so, ColoWrap® not only enhances procedural efficiency and reduces cecal intubation time but also fosters a safer environment for patients, staff, and physicians alike.
The results were impressive. Cecal intubation time was 3.6 minutes faster per procedure. Manual pressure and repositioning decreased by 79%, while 100% of staff reported a reduction in MSK pain.
Speed Insertion

Minimize Pressure
& Repositioning

Mitigate Strain
& Pain

Reflecting on her experience, Northfield nurse Amber Lusk remarked, "Initially, I dismissed ColoWrap as just another abdominal binder. However, I quickly realized my misconception."
She continued, "The first time I used the ColoWrap I didn’t have to apply any manual pressure. Even in the rare instances when abdominal pressure is needed, the device’s secondary straps allow our staff to effortlessly apply targeted pressure. Our staff and physicians are ecstatic that ColoWrap has also assisted to significantly reduce patient repositioning, reports of staff pain, and procedure times."

At first glance, I thought ColoWrap was just another abdominal binder. I quickly learned that I was wrong!
The first time I used the ColoWrap I didn't have to apply any manual pressure. Even in the rare instances when abdominal pressure is needed, the device's secondary straps allow our staff to effortlessly apply targeted pressure. Our staff and physicians are ecstatic that ColoWrap has also assisted to significantly reduce patient repositioning, reports of staff pain, and procedure times.
- Amber Lusk, MSN, RN, CNOR | Northfield Hospital
To download a pdf the case study, visit our Northfield Case Study page.
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Discover how your endoscopy unit can achieve similar results as Northfield by experiencing less staff pain and strain, increased retention, improved satisfaction, and greater unit morale.